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Microstate Analysis Library Reference

Microstate Analysis Library Reference


Import library

Suppose the is in the current working directory or the Python site-packages directory.

from ms_analysis import *

Global constants

Once the library is loaded, two global constants (at temperature 298.15 K) are available:

ph2Kcal: Convert ph unit to Kcal/mol
Kcal2kT: Convert Kcal/mol to kT

Load a microstate file

Go to a working directory. The essential files for microstate analysis are:

  • head3.lst file
  • ms_out folder that contains Monte Carlo sampling microstate output

You need to specify which file to load, such as ms_out/pH5eH0ms.txt. The name indicates the pH and Eh condition.

A monte carlo object is reqired to be initialized to hold the microstates with MC()

Finally, read the data into the object with readms() method.


cd ~/ms_analysis/4lzt
msfile = "ms_out/pH5eH0ms.txt"
mc = MC()

Load partial Monte Carlo results. A Monte Carlo sampling is carried out 6 times and is numbered as 0, 1, 2, ..., 5. One can choose to load some of them:

mc.readms(msfile, MC=[1,2])


Data structure:


Conformer is a class object.

  • iconf: Integer - index of conformer, starting from 0
  • confid: String - conformer name as in head3.lst
  • resid: String - unique residue name including name, chain ID and sequence number
  • crg: Float - net charge



Microstate is a class object.

  • stateid: String - compressed and encoded string to identify a microstate
  • E: Float - microstate energy
  • count: Integer - how many times this microstate is accepted
  • state(): return a microstate, which is a list of selected conformers


Charge_Microstate is a class object. If we only care about residue ionization, we can reduce conformer microstates to charge microstates.

  • crg_stateid: String - compressed and encoded string to identify a charge microstate
  • average_E: Float - average charge microstate energy
  • count: Integer - how many times this charge microstate is accepted
  • state(): return a charge microstate, which is a list of net charges, in the same order of free residues



Subset_Microstate is a class object. If we only care about a selected group of residues, we can group microstates based on the conformer selection of these residues only.

  • subset_stateid: String - compressed and encoded string to identify a subset microstate
  • average_E: Float - average subset microstate energy
  • count: Integer - how many times this subset microstate is accepted
  • state(): return a subset microstate, which is a list of selected conformers of interested residues



Free_ress is a class object. It holds information of a free residue.

  • resid: String - residue identification name
  • charges: list of floating point numbers - a list of charge choices



MC is a class object. It holds information of a Monte Carlo microstates output.

  • T: Float - Monte Carlo sampling temperature
  • pH: Float - Monte Carlo sampling pH
  • Eh: Float - Monte Carlo sampling Eh
  • method: String - This indicates the microstates output is from either Monte Carlo sampling or Analytical Solution
  • counts: Integer - Total number of Monte Carlo steps
  • conformers: A list of Conformer objects that matche the entries in head3.lst
  • iconf_by_confname: A dictionary that returns conformer index number from conformer name
  • fixedconfs: A list of fixed confomer index numbers
  • free_residues: A list of conformer groups (each group is a list of conformer indicies) that make up free residues
  • free_residue_names: A list of free residue names
  • microstates: A list of Microstate objects. They are accepted microstates.
  • readms(fname, MC=[]): read microstate output file and return a list of microstates. You can optionally choose what parts of Monte Carlo output to load. MC=[] means to choose all. MC=[1,2] means to choose 1st and 2nd MC runs. The valid numbers are from 0 to 5.
  • get_occ(microstates): Convert a list of microstates to occupancy. It reads in a list of conformers and returns a list of occupancy (0.0 to 1.0) numbers on each conformer.

    This function does not work on charge microstates or subset microstates.

  • confnames_by_iconfs(iconfs): Convert a list if conformer indices to a list of conformer names.
  • select_by_conformer(microstates, conformer_in=[]): Select from given microstates if confomer is in the list. Return all if the list is empty. The input conformer_in is a list of conformer names.
  • select_by_energy(microstates, energy_in=[]): Select from given microstates if the microstates' energy is within the range defined by energy_in. energy_in should be given an array with lower bound (inclusive) and a higher bound (exclusive).
  • convert_to_charge_ms(): Convert all microstates to a list charge microstate objects.
  • convert_to_subset_ms(res_of_interest): Convert all microstates to a list subset microstate objects. The input res_of_interest is a list of residues of interest, in the form of residue names. These residues have to be free residues.



Get the energy range of given microstates.

  • microstates: A list of microstates object

A list of two numbers that are lower bound and higher bound of energey 


bin_mscounts_total(microstates, nbins=100, erange=[])

Divide microstates into bins based on energy and get the counts of total steps in each bin.

  • microstates: A list of microstates object
  • nbins: the number of desired bins. Default value is 100 
  • erange: custom energy range. It is a list of lower bounds of bins

It returns two lists. The first list is the energy range in the form of lower bounds. The second list is number of microstate counts of each bin.


bin_mscounts_unique(microstates, nbins=100, erange=[])

Divide microstates into bins based on energy and get the counts of unique microstates in each bin.

  • microstates: A list of microstates object
  • nbins: the number of desired bins. Default value is 100 
  • erange: custom energy range. It is a list of lower bounds of bins

It returns two lists. The first list is the energy range in the form of lower bounds. The second list is number of microstate counts of each bin.



Divide microstates into bins based on energy and get the counts of unique microstates in each bin.

  • microstates: A list of microstates object
  • nbins: the number of desired bins. Default value is 100 
  • erange: custom energy range. It is a list of lower bounds of bins

It returns two lists. The first list is the energy range in the form of lower bounds. The second list is number of microstate counts of each bin.



Calculate the average energy of given microstates.

  • microstates: A list of microstates object

Average energy.