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Download and Install MCCE

MCCE runs on Linux and Mac OSX natively.

On Windows, you will need a Linux environment. It could be a virtual box instance, Cygwin, or Linux subsystem that is included in Windows. Here is a short guide of installing Windows Subsystem Linux (to be done):


Compilers: C, gfortran

MCCE comes with two parts:

  • MCCE main code in c/c++
  • Poisson Boltzmann equation solver delphi in c/fortran

To install c and gfortran compilers:

Create mcce environment

conda create -n mcce
conda activate mcce

Install compilers

conda install -c conda-forge gcc gfortran

Now roll back gfortran to 9.5.0 (delphi requires an old compiler)

conda install -c conda-forge gfortran=9.5.0


Python and modules

We need Python3 and optionally these modules: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pygraphviz, pandas, xlrd, and openpyxl

conda install numpy scipy matplotlib pygraphviz pandas xlrd openpyxl

Download from github

Under a terminal window, run:

git clone

Compile the code

The above command creates a directory named Stable-MCCE, enter the directory and compile:

$ cd Stable-MCCE
$ make clean
$ make

Configure environment:

Find the path of Stable-MCCE installation directory:

(base) jmao@pc:~/projects/Stable-MCCE$ pwd


In my case the installation directory is /home/jmao/projects/Stable-MCCE/

Add the executable to your path:

export PATH=/home/jmao/projects/Stable-MCCE/bin:$PATH


Remember to replace the installation directory /home/jmao/projects/Stable-MCCE/ with your own installation path.

Also put this line at the end of .bashrc file under your home directory so that the environment is properly set every time you open a terminal window.


Prepare a working directory:

$ mkdir test_lysozyme
$ cd test_lysozyme

Get a pdb file

$ getpdb 1dpx

You now have a pdb file 1DPX.pdb in the working directory.

The simplest way to run mcce is do these four steps:

Step 1 convert PDB file into MCCE PDB

This step proof reads the structure file and cuts terminal residues and complex cofactors into smaller ones if necessary.

$ 1DPX.pdb


If this step quits and complain about unrecognized residues, please refere to the section of making new paramter files.

Step 2 make side chain conformers

This step makes alternative side chain locations and ionization states.



Step 3 make energy table

This step calculates conformer self energy and pairwise interaction table.



Step 4 Simulate a titration with Monte Carlo sampling

This step simulates a titration and writes out the conformation and ionization states of each side chain at various conditions.




Command help "-h"

  • For more detailed command usages, use "-h" switch in each command above.

Run in background

  • Some steps take hours to finish, so it is recommended to run at the background. For example: > run.log &

Jupyter notebook

Here is a Jupiter note book template: mcce.ipynb