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Download and Install MCCE

Install MCCE

Download and Install MCCE MCCE runs on Linux and Mac OSX natively. On Windows, you will need a ...

Updated 4 months ago by Junjun Mao

How to install WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux)

Other HOW-TOs

How to install WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux) and MCCE dev tools WSL WSL Installation The off...

Updated 10 months ago by Junjun Mao

Example 2: Biphasic Systems

Gromacs Quick Start

Example 2: Building Biphasic Systems Studay system The original tutorial was to make a hetero...

Updated 11 months ago by Junjun Mao

Gromacs Server

Gromacs Quick Start

GROMACS Server Official Documentation:

Updated 11 months ago by Junjun Mao

Example 1: Lysozyme

Gromacs Quick Start

Example 1: Lysozyme In this example, we are going to use hen egg white lysozyme (PDB ID 1AKI) to...

Updated 11 months ago by Junjun Mao

Microstate Analysis Library Reference

Microstate Analysis Library

Microstate Analysis Library Reference Import library Suppose the is in the cur...

Updated 1 year ago by Junjun Mao

How to contribute code to MCCE

Other HOW-TOs

MCCE Development Through Github Part 1. One-time set up On your workstation / coding computers,...

Updated 1 year ago by Junjun Mao

Sampling more rotamers at "hot" spots

Define "Hot" Spot to Make More Rotamers...

Why do we need "hot" spots? In some cases, we are insterested in what's going on in some particu...

Updated 1 year ago by Junjun Mao

How to add rotamer making rules to parameter file?

MCCE How Tos

If a residue or a cofactor has rotatable single bond, the user needs to define the rotation rule ...

Updated 1 year ago by Junjun Mao

MCCE Data Analysis

MCCE Commands

MCCE data analysis tools Fit the titration curve of an ionizable residue. Syntax: f...

Updated 1 year ago by Junjun Mao

Calculate pKas of Lysozyme

Calculate pKas of Lysozyme

Calculate pKas of Lysozyme Background Lysozyme is a small enzyme that dissolves bacterial cell ...

Updated 1 year ago by Junjun Mao

A simple MCCE example of pH titration

A simple example

Run MCCE Prepare a working directory: $ mkdir test_lysozyme $ cd test_lysozyme Get a pdb file...

Updated 1 year ago by Junjun Mao

MCCE Program Run and Debug

MCCE Commands

Commands and Tools getpdb Command line tool to download pdb file from PDB Author: Yanjun W...

Updated 1 year ago by Junjun Mao

MCCE Parameter Preparation

MCCE Commands

Updated 1 year ago by Junjun Mao

MCCE Mechnism

What is MCCE?

A MCCE run is a 4-step procedure Step 1 is file formatting, step 2 is rotamer making, st...

Updated 1 year ago by Junjun Mao

Multi-Conformation Continuum Electrostatics - MCCE

What is MCCE?

MCCE is a biophysics simulation program developed at Gunner Lab at City College of New York. MCC...

Updated 1 year ago by Junjun Mao